This is Filler!

This whole website was created from a Squarespace template. Once upon a time I created a website from html. It was garbage, and it took like three days to make. The only thing there was was a picture of a shrine to Bacchus, because I made the website when I was drunk, and feeling happy, and thought there should be a place on the internet where a drunk could go to post their prayers to Bacchus. Programming a comment section was way beyond my abilities though (you can’t do it with just html, as far as I know, and that’s all I knew how to do at that point), so the website just consisted of that one picture. I think I paid for like five years of hosting, so it stayed up for a while. But that was a decade ago, and it’s all gone now.

Anyway, this website was built in the modern age of Helvetica and flat colors and minimalist UI, using Squarespace’s fancy templates and point and click nonsense, and nary a line of indecipherable computer code in sight. And the template came with a blog section, hence this post. Of course you can delete the blog section, but I don’t want to because I might want that blog section later. You can create it again even after you delete it of course, but then I’d have to figure out how, and I’m lazy. Creating a blog post about how I have a blog but nothing to post in it seemed easier.